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Help CenterJourneyTrigger nodes in the journeyTrigger journey through API

Trigger journey through API

Last updated February 17, 2024

Here's a guide to trigger journeys in Mailmodo using an API.

Journey building involves 2 steps:

1. Creating the journey

2. Selecting the recipient audience. This can be done through:

For setting up a journey through an API trigger:

Create a journey using API / Webhook as a trigger point. Then on the journey page, click on 'Enroll Contacts' as shown below. Use the API endpoint to start this journey.

Trigger journey through API
Trigger journey through API


Endpoint:<journey      id> (this will be used to trigger the particular journey every time a user-defined action occurs)

API key: Api key can be obtained from API Keys tab in Settings

Go to Settings -> API Keys


Sample CURL

curl --location --request POST'<journey id>' \--header 'mmApiKey: <MAILMODO_API_KEY>' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-raw '{   "email": "email for journey",   "data": {       "personalisation_param1": "value 1",       "personalisation_param2": "value 2"   }}'

Sample Axios

var axios = require('axios');var data = JSON.stringify({   email: 'email for journey',   data: { personalisation_param1: 'value 1' },});var config = {   method: 'post',   url: '<journey id>',   headers: { mmapikey: 'MAILMODO_API_KEY', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },   data: data,};axios(config)   .then(function (response) {       console.log(JSON.stringify(;   })   .catch(function (error) {       console.log(error);   });


Personalization parameters: to be passed in the 'data' in the form of a 'key-value' pair. These are meant to assign values to personalization used in the subject line/ body of the mail. For eg. {"firstName" : "John" }


You may need to abort/terminate a running journey on a particular event (eg. customer completes a CTA) or after a fixed time (if set in journey). You can use the Abortapi below to do that-

Endpoint:<journey      id>

API key: Api key can be obtained from API Keys tab in Settings

Go to Settings -> API Keys


Sample CURL

curl --location --request POST'<journey id>' \--header 'mmApiKey: <MAILMODO_API_KEY>' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-raw '{"email": "email to be aborted","reason":"reason to abort"}'

Sample Axios

var axios = require('axios');var data = JSON.stringify({ email: 'email to be aborted', reason: 'reason to abort' });var config = {   method: 'post',   url: '<journey id>',   headers: { mmapikey: 'MAILMODO_API_KEY', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },   data: data,};axios(config)   .then(function (response) {       console.log(JSON.stringify(;   })   .catch(function (error) {       console.log(error);   });

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